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 1. Bruce Bumgardner  77 John 13:1-20 Jesus washes the disciples feet (45:08)  Life of Christ Series 
 2. BSP  John 2:1-11 - Jesus Proves Himself to His disciples  Gospel of John 
 3. Bible Study Podcasts  John 1:29-42 - Jesus Gathers Disciples  Gospel of John 
 4. BSP  John 4:31-38 - The Disciples Learn About Farming  Gospel of John 
 5. Dennis Schmidt - JS Bach  BWV245-02 - Jesus Went With His Disciples  St John's Passion 
 6. Father Peter Bowes  Jesus Appears to Some Disciples  Readings 
 7. Fergus Buchanan  Jesus prays for his disciples   
 8. Rev. Fergus C Buchanan  Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples   
 9. Forest Lake Church - Dr. Derek Morris  2008 Q3 08-02 - Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples  Hope Sabbath School Study 
 10. Dr. Thomas Robinson  Jesus' Gift to Faltering Disciples  Manhattan Church of Christ 
 11. Bob Deffinbaugh  061112 - How Jesus Made Disciples  ©2006 Community Bible Chapel 
 12. Chris Macky  Jesus Models How Ordinary People Can Make Disciples  The Great Commission 
 13. Gaither Music  I'll Worship Only At The Feet Of Jesus  Gaither Classics A Cappella, Vol. 3 
 14. Pastor Bob Stewart  The Feet That Jesus Washed  Metro SDA Church Service 
 15. Bible Study Podcasts  John 1:6-13 - John The Baptist and Jesus' Entry  Gospel of John 
 16. Dr. Mark Dever  Jesus, the Son of God - The Message of John - John  The Truth About Jesus 
 17. filtered by the spiral  As It All Washes Over Me (2004) [320kbps]  320 
 18. filtered by the spiral  As It All Washes Over Me (2004) [320kbps]  320 
 19. Dr. Jeff VanGoethem  How Should We Believe in Jesus?; John 2:1-11   
 20. Dr. Duane Litfin  The Jesus You Know; John 17:1-5   
 21. Dr. Mark Dever  Why Did Jesus Come? - John 11:55-12:36  Questions About Jesus 
 22. Dr. Mark Dever  Was Jesus Ever Sad? - John 11:1-44  Questions About Jesus 
 23. Dr. Mark Dever  Where Did Jesus Come From? - John 1:1-18  Questions About Jesus 
 24. Dr. Jeff VanGoethem  How Should We See Jesus?; John 1:14   
 25. Stuart Gillespie, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Stirling  John 5:16-47, Who is Jesus?  Source of Hope - John Series 
 26. Blake Jennings  Who is Jesus? Part 5 - John 4:  �2004 Grace Bible Church, Coll 
 27. Stuart Gillespie, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Stirling  John 6:60-71, Walking away from Jesus  Source of Hope - John Series 
 28. Blake Jennings  Who is Jesus? Part 4 - John 3  �2004 Grace Bible Church, Coll 
 29. Dr. Jeff VanGoethem  How Should We Understand Jesus?; John 1:6-13   
 30. Dr. Mark Dever  How Did Jesus Get His Start? - John 1:19-51  Questions About Jesus 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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